Nikita Thakrar gets a blog...

I am an Oxford Law undergraduate with an obsession for art and fashion and painting so I have set up this blog as a way of showing my work off and so that if anyone likes something that I do, they can contact me to perhaps buy it!
Some of the paintings on here are for sale, some are already taken, so if you like anything then contact me and I can let you know prices. I also take commissions: if you like a particular piece and want something similar, or you have a colour scheme for a room and want the piece to match, or even if you have an idea of what you want in mind already then I am more than happy to design something accordingly.
I will update the blog with new stuff all the time so keep checking in!

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Cross-section of a Rose

I haven't posted on here in a while, and so I think an update is now well overdue :) Apologies for the picture quality, my camera is dead and my charger lost in the depths of my friend's car :(

This piece here was inspired at the very beginning by my cousin Krupa (who is now working in fashion and who I am extremely jealous of) and more particularly by a piece of textiles work she did for A-level. It was beautiful, like a piece of fabric stretched out over a frame and embroidered all over. I am not that great at textiles, not going to lie, but I thought about how I could achieve a similar effect through painting...

At school, most people painted amazing canvases as their final pieces, but I always tried to do different crazy things that didn't always work. Hence in my earlier posts, sticking bolts onto my canvases and stuff. This was one of my experiments. It is a huge piece... maybe a metre and half square... and it is a silk painting strung out across a wooden frame. It was inspired by a project I had done on flowers, and also by Mackintosh, who created stylised glass paintings of roses. I love roses as much as the next girl so it seemed fitting :)

When I was making it, in my usual fashion, I left everything to the last minute, and in this case, the day before it was due in. I had stayed up practically the whole night working on it, spreading all my art rubbish over the lounge floor, watching bollywood movie after bollywood movie to keep me awake and so it wasn't so creepy sitting alone downstairs. The next day (the day it was due in) I spent every spare minute I had between lessons finishing it off, and I owe the fact it was finished in time to Hindusha, Ellie and Jankee, who all helped me sososo much. So thanks guys :)

It has been displayed at school, even though I left 2 years ago now, and I went to pick it up yesterday. It is now hanging in pride of place in my dining room :) It is a little worse for wear after so long, so I shall repair it and make it better...sometime soon ;) 

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