This was my first venture into selling my work, and is a kind of painting of a real-life object. As with all my paintings, it is an oil on canvas, slightly larger than A3.
The story behind this is kind of funny...I made friends with a boy called Akash last summer, and when he saw some of the artwork I had done, he showed it to his then-employer, who I shall call Bob-the-Builder. Bob was so impressed with the picture that he asked me to reproduce it on canvas for his house, which I did. But then lots of drama happened involving a bathroom and Bob vanished, never to be seen again. So I still have this painting, which he was going to pay £75 for...
Bob's name is sid (shailesh) and he is a conman. nikita, against the advice of her wisest freinds, still produed a picture for him. she still has much to learn from her guru (me)