This piece was one I did as part of my A-level coursework. It was the product of manyyy long nights sat up watching Bollywood DVDs to keep me awake while I did each individual section of the patchwork design..
It basically started off as a project looking at the human imagine..which involved life drawing (eek!) and I used one of the drawings I had done in the sessions and stylized the shapes. By doing this, I created a pattern in which to put my different fabrics and beads. You can spot the initial pattern if you look closely at the dark blue lines on their own...see it? Clue: it is a male form, with one leg folded and one knee up, and one arm is stretched out and resting on the knee. Massive clue but you'll need help finding it!
I then focused on a more specific part of the human 'image': adornment. This was largely inspired by a trip to India where I went mad shopping for fabrics, trims, sequins and beads. The shop was amazing..tiny and packed full of so much different stuff...rows of tubes filled with fancy coloured gems and buttons and ribbons and everything! I also looked at paintings of indian women, and how jewellery is SO important in India...and the fact that even the poorest woman will be wearing a brightly coloured sari. All of this made me want to try and convey the colour and richness and texture through a painting, and so this was the result!
Each section is made up of stuff that I bought from that shop or something I designed and made myself. So one section is a batik painting (you dribble hot wax onto fabric and then dye it with ink, and when you iron the wax off it leaves your patterns behind), a few are just paintings I did on watercolour paper, some are beads I sewed onto fabric...a whole mess of stuff.
It now has pride of place in my Mum loved it and it fit with the colour scheme so there we go!