Nikita Thakrar gets a blog...

I am an Oxford Law undergraduate with an obsession for art and fashion and painting so I have set up this blog as a way of showing my work off and so that if anyone likes something that I do, they can contact me to perhaps buy it!
Some of the paintings on here are for sale, some are already taken, so if you like anything then contact me and I can let you know prices. I also take commissions: if you like a particular piece and want something similar, or you have a colour scheme for a room and want the piece to match, or even if you have an idea of what you want in mind already then I am more than happy to design something accordingly.
I will update the blog with new stuff all the time so keep checking in!

Saturday, 19 January 2013

New year, new inspiration

I know, I know, I haven't uploaded anything in absolutely ages. As usual. But in my defence, I have had a very busy few months. After my last post, I upped and left the UK and travelled around South America for almost 3 months..and then went to Mauritius within a week of coming back...and then started law school. And yes I am showing off a little bit ;)
Anyway, now I am back in London for the foreseeable future and while I am studying again (until July) I have some time to get back to art and cooking and baking. That's the other thing, see, I am going to use this blog to showcase both my artistic AND culinary abilities and put up recipes of stuff I make onto here in case anyone fancies trying them. It was Shamil's idea...I think he was tired of me sending him pictures of food on whatsapp and clogging up his memory on his phone. 

Okay so. My current project. I have been watching David Attenborough's BBC documentary 'Africa' at the moment (every Wednesday night if you haven't seen it yet) and got inspired to do some drawing again after absolutely aaaages. So far I have sketched a leopard and an elephant, and I should really do another drawing today. Maybe a monkey? Suggestions welcome :) My idea is to do a series of sketches in black and white and then mount them up all together in a frame...but then paint the frame with animal print and loads of colour. That way its inverting the whole inside the frame/outside the frame thing...making any sense? It doesn't matter, anyway, you can see the finished product (eventually...whenever it is finished) on here when I am done!